© Cédrick Eymenier 1999-2025
An Interview with Stephan Matthieu
By Cédrick Eymenier, January 30, 2004
itw originally made for OKFRED magazine #4 (Tokyo Japan)
Stephan mathieu is a very prolific talented producer. He was born in Saarebrucken-Germany and still lives there with his wife and children. After playing in Berlin, where he lived during his teenage, as a free-jazz drummer, he finally focused into digital for doing his own music. He released many records within the past 5 years, including collaboration with his friend Ekkehard Ehlers. He works with different labels such as Orthlorng Musork, Ritornell, Bip Hop...His new LP "The sad Mac" should be released in early summer 2004. He also teaches design at the University for Arts and Design, Saarbrücken.
Recently I was visiting the Volklingen Hutte -a contemporay art space in a huge 19th century iron factory near Sarrebrucken- where a permanent sound installation from Stephan Mathieu is displayed since 2000. I met Stephan while he was checking the installation. We agreed a meeting for an interview.
-P#10 Miami
-The Answer
-Esope Reste Ici Et Se Repose